How to Register a Business Name in Colombia?
In this article, we will guide you through the process of registering a business name as a trademark with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC).
In Colombia, it is mandatory for all businesses to be registered with the Chamber of Commerce of their principal place of business. However, this registration alone does not provide the protection (exclusive right of use) of the business name.
To obtain the exclusive right to use a business name, you must register the trademark with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce.
The requirements for registering a trademark in Colombia are as follows:
Conduct a Trademark Search: Perform a search to verify that the trademark of interest is not already registered.
Before starting the trademark registration process in Colombia, it is recommended to conduct a phonetic and graphic search to identify any potential obstacles to registration.
To conduct a reliable and secure trademark search through our firm of trademark registration experts in Colombia, click here.
Pay the Official Fees Set by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce: To proceed with the trademark registration process, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce sets an annual official fee.
For the year 2025, the official fees set by the SIC for online trademark registration are as follows:
- Trademark or trade name registration application (first or only class): COP $1.288.000.
- Trademark or trade name registration application (additional class in the same application): COP $644.000.
Complete the Trademark Registration Application Form: To initiate the trademark registration process in Colombia, you must complete a form that includes the following information:
- Details of the trademark applicant, who can be an individual or a company.
- The name of the trademark to be registered.
- The class of the Nice International Classification to which the goods or services to be identified belong.
- A detailed description of the goods or services to be identified with the trademark.
Attach the Required Documents: Additionally, you need to provide the following documents:
- Proof of payment of the official fees.
- The artwork or logo of the trademark to be registered.
- Power of Attorney.
To protect your business name in Colombia please contact us.
- Tags: business colombia name registration