Registration of International Marks
Is the registration of a trademark only valid in Colombia or in other countries as well?
A registered trademark in Colombia is valid only in Colombian territory. However, a trademark registration in Colombia can be used to oppose applications for registration of trademarks identical or similar in the other countries of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN); i.e., Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia.
Added to this, it should be stressed that since 2012, when the country acceded to the Madrid Protocol, a registered trademark in Colombia can serve as a basis for seeking an international mark with effect in more than 130 countries, among which are the United States, China and the European Union.
In what countries should I register my trademark?
In all countries where it markets its products or provides services.
In what countries does Cárdenas Vega Advisors offer its trademark services?
Our firm provides the trademark service worldwide, mainly in the countries of North, Central, and South America, the European Community and China. Contact us.