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Trademark Registration in the United States

How to trademark a name or a logo in the United States?

The registration of a trademark in the United States of America must be done with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Acronym: USPTO).

Start a trademark search or a trademark application in the United States here:

Trademark Registration in USA

Requirements to register a trademark in the United States.

1. Trademark background search.

Before proceeding with the registration process, we advise starting with a trademark search in the USPTO database to determine whether there are potential obstacles to the registration of the brand of your interest.

When contracting our services, from the results obtained, within a period not exceeding 24 working hours, our firm will send a full analysis to establish the chances of achieving your brand registration and the measures that can be taken before starting the registration stage. The report contains:

  • The most important trademarks that were found,
  • The correct classification of products or services to be identified through your trademark,
  • A legal concept developed by a lawyer expert in intellectual property and,
  • The chances of obtaining the registration of the trademark of your interest.

2. Trademark application with the USPTO.

During all stages of the registration process, our firm will provide personalized service through regular reports of the status of your application until we send the registration certificate attesting you as holder of the trademark of interest.

3. USA registration modalities.

In the United States of America, a trademark can be requested in any of the following modes:

a. Based on the intention of use: In this mode, at the time the trademark is granted, for the issuance of the definitive certificate, the owner must demonstrate that he has used the products or services identified with the trademark in the United States.
b. Based on a registration or application of the same trademark in other country.


How long does it take a trademark registration process in the United States?
The registration process for a trademark in the United States lasts approximately one year.

What is the validity of a trademark registration in the United States?
The validity of a registered trademark in the United States of America is 10 years.

Categories: International Trademarks