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Trademark Search in Colombia

Trademark Search in Colombia

Before proceeding with the registration of a trademark in Colombia, it is advisable to conduct a background search, in order to know if there are potential obstacles, such as previously registered trademarks, susceptible to create likelihood of confusion with the mark of your interest; that is, identical or similar trademarks that identify equal or related products or services.

You can consult directly the database of trademarks registered with the Colombian Patent and Trademark Office (SIC) through the link attached to the image shown below:

Colombian Trademarks Office

In this module you will find the database of distinctive signs (trademarks and slogans) registered or in registration process in Colombia, whose purpose is that the public, in general, can know if the sign of interest is free to access the registration or consult the updated status of your pending applications.

Instructions to make a search of registered trademarks in Colombia:

1. Enter the mark and the class of products or services you intend to identify with it.

To make a trademark search correctly, you must specify what type of products or services you intend to identify with the trademark to be registered. The Nice International Classification is a classification system for products and services, adopted by most countries, that applies to the trademark registration process and allows you to specify, in a precise manner, the coverage of the sign of your interest.

To consult the Nice International Classification, click here. However, our firm also recommends the TMclass search engine for products and services, which you can access at this link.

In most cases, it is not easy for an entrepreneur to classify the products or services that are intended to protect through trademark registration. In the event that this classification is difficult for you, our firm, Cárdenas Vega Advisors, leader in trademark registration in Colombia, will advise you through a first level service.

2. If the mark of your interest is not registered in the search result, check additionally if there are signs similar to it.

3. If the trademark you wish to use is already registered, we recommend trying again with other possibilities until you find an available option.

4. Finally, note the expiration date of the trademark that constitutes an obstacle to the sign of your interest, because when a trademark expires its owner will have lost any right over it.

For most users, it is not easy to understand the results of the trademark search, so that our firm can provide advice performing the search for you, through our advanced systems of comparison of signs.

When contracting our services, from the results obtained, within a period not exceeding 24 working hours, our firm will give a full analysis to establish the feasibility of getting your brand and the various measures that can be taken before starting the registration stage. The report contains:

  • The most important trademarks that were found,
  • The correct classification of products or services to be identified through your trademark,
  • A legal concept developed by a lawyer expert in intellectual property,
  • The probabilities of obtaining the registration of the mark of your interest and,
  • Other legal options to achieve the registration of the trademark of interest, in case the results are negative.

To start a trademark search in Colombia please contact us.

Categories: Trademarks in Colombia